
Nice stuff from uibk

As I was checking whether the uibk would offer us some storage for git projects I was positively surprised they run a full gitlab instance. Unfortunately we will be limited to 50 projects - so I will not be able to abandon my bitbucket account. Anyway nice to be able to host potentially sensitive stuff internal. Also they run mattermost now that looks very interesting. Chatting without going through american services… Need to get my friends in there.

Configuring offlineimap

Having most of my workflow on the commandline mailing my results using Tunderbird or Mail.app is sometimes quite a chore. I would rather do it from inside my workflow. mutt seems like a natural option. I also quite quickly considered alternatives like alpine - though since I prefer vim for my text editing I quickly decided against it. offlineimap For mutt it quickly became aparent that I would need some external tool to fetch my mail.