
New Project R Hugo Papers

I started the project R-Hugo-Papercss.

This is a template for the hugo static site engine. The purpose is to use its page bundle feature with generated content from R. There were small issues to make hugo write the relative URLs.

I also uses the papercss layout. It seems suitable for a private science blog as it reminds me on the Randal Munroes XKCD style.

By now feels complete enough to try out blogging.

Github pages

Now this site is on github pages. I had already repos on github for some time and trusted it - only private repos I keep on other places. But mostly I was missing some features a bplaced so now the move. Mostly I like that I can now post new content via git so I just need to transfer new posts and not the whole site. That now the site is https secured is a nice boon.

Vim for Hugo

Ich verwende ja den Sitegenerator hugo für diese Seite. Das herumgewurschtel auf der Kommandozeile ist aber etwas nervig. Daher hab ich ein paar Befehle für Vim geschrieben um es etwas schmerzfreier zu machen. Soweit ist es aber noch etwas schmerzhaft.

Auf der Anleitung vi and vim autocommand hab ich ein paar Ideen gefunden.