

This is render from 009-slides % Writing beautiful and reproducible slides quickly % Yihui Xie % 2012/04/30 Why after you finished typing \documentclass{beamer} and \title{}, I have finished my first slide with markdown far fewer commands to remember, e.g. to write bullet points, just begin with a dash “-” instead of \begin{itemize} and \item; how things can be simpler? I know you want math to show you are a statistician, e.

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minimal R Markdown example

This is a render from knitr examples. A minimal R Markdown example A quote: Markdown is not LaTeX. To compile me, run this in R: library(knitr) knit(‘001-minimal.Rmd’) See output here. code chunks A paragraph here. A code chunk below (remember the three backticks): 1+1 ## [1] 2 .4-.7+.3 # what? it is not zero! ## [1] 5.551115e-17 graphics It is easy. plot(1:10) plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2 hist(rnorm(1000)) plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2 inline code Yes I know the value of pi is 3.

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