Creating Posts with Blogdown

Publish date: Aug 18, 2019
Tags: blogdown

I found some interesting note about blogdown being able to use page bundles in this post.


set options

I started setting the options as suggested.

# in .Rprofile of the website project
if (file.exists("~/.Rprofile")) {
  base::sys.source("~/.Rprofile", envir = environment())

options( = "Clemens Ager",
  blogdown.ext = ".Rmd",
  blogdown.subdir = "post",
  blogdown.new_bundle = TRUE,
  blogdown.title_case = TRUE


The .Rprofile is supposed to be in the folder where the config.yaml is located. I also added the library as it will not interfere with anything here.

Then you can start R in the top directory of the blog (again where config.yaml is located).

Make a post

new_post("test_post") will create an empty folder with an index.Rmd.
Inside I can write as usual. I decided to do some trivial R stuff.

However the building is different. I decided only the index.Rmd requires building. The command build_bundles() inside R does this. But I’m thinking about changing this around, as I also like the idea to have Makefile bundles. Either way, should you also use normal blogdown posts you may need to make sure it doesn’t rebuild these bundles.

The rendered post is here.