Layout for the new year

I didn’t blog much over the past year. But having some time in the February break it was time to take this blog to 2021.

Switching the computer and updating the layouts I ended up in a situation where the old site wouldn’t build.

This was also a good chance to update the layout. I had some new ideas. In particulate I didn’t want the publications take such a dominant spot on the main page.

There were a few layouts on the list of Hugo themes. However most felt to busy for me. I wanted something putting a focus on recent Blog posts.

My favorites were:

Ghostwriter was nice, but I didn’t like how flashy and busy the top of the screen were. Trying to tune it I quickly noticed they heavily use npm to build the site - a thing I’d like to avoid. So at the end I decided to give other themes a try before investing more time.

Kiera was a theme that resonated with me extremely well. Unfortunately I didn’t get it to build my content.
Hitting obstacles so early on is always a bad sign (keep in mind I’m aiming for a minimalistic theme), so I didn’t want to put in more time I decided to move on.

Mainroad is the theme I currently settle on. The layout is simple enough for me, and I feel comfortable to add my own shortcodes. Though I will tone down the CSS a bit and maybe even create a dark mode.

So there’s a lot for me to fix in the next weeks. For now I’m happy enough that I can upload posts again.