New Isoprene Study by Sukul

There recently was this interesting article: Deficiency and absence of endogenous isoprene in adults, disqualified its putative origin by Pritram Sukul (10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e05922). Thanks to Julian King for pointing to this article. It’s an interesting study trying to track down the endogenous origin of isoprene in breath.

Isoprene - usually - the second most abundant volatile organic compound in breath. Only acetone is more abundant. And King et. al. have discovered it shows interesting temporal dependence on physical exercise. And still, we only have putative theories about its origin.

Sukuls paper is also one of the few papers that recognize there are it is not present in some individuals. We were lucky enough to also observe this situation in Innsbruck.

I’m hyped to see if the origin of isoprene can be clarified in the near future.