Seeing statistics

There is a nice introducition to statistics with visualisation of the concepts at seeing theory

Takes about 20 minutes to click through.


Just recently got my hand on Crossover. It’s essentially the commercially supported wine. I am impressed how polished things feel nowadays. I gave it usually problematic scientific programs like the TofDaqViewer from Ionicon and the Nist library and it produced nicely running libraries.

Köhlmeier at br

Something for the German speakers. The famous Austrian author Michael Köhlmeier has made several lectures where he retells classical literature.
BR has made two podcasts available Mythen and Märchen. Both feature an number of 15 minute episodes which can be downloaded directly or subscribed in your podcatcher.


I was quite happy to find the graphical tool publii for building statical sites.

Many people still use Wordpress and the like to publish their blog. I don’t like Wordpress as it requires to run PHP on the server meaning it offers a quite large attack surface.

I prefer the static site approach. This also allows to radically cut down on JavaScript and other external resources and gives me the peace of mind that I don’t need to worry about updating a Wordpress installation.

However the tool of my choice, Hugo is a bit technical. Now with publii there is something that I might suggest command line muggles.


Every now and then I look up the games from my past. It is amazing that there are now archives of these ancient games online. Today I discovered myabandoneware like the internet archive they not only have the downloads - but also a player where you can play in the browser window. Not so nice for new games but for the ancient ones I did remember amazing.

Math Acrobatics

The youtuber 3blue1brown has a number of interesting posts. however often he is a bit fast for me and it seems handwaving.

Recently he made a fantastic video about solving the towers of hanoi. I did already know it is easy to spell out the solution in terms of recursion. However he showed some connection to binary and ternary numbers - which alone is funny. And finally that the solution also traverses the Sierpinsky triangle in part 2 which is surprising.

I embeded the videos after the “post” fold for convenient watching.

Presentation of PhD topic

I finally had a presentation on my PhD topic. This was one of the more strenous tasks. Last time I prepared for such a seminar coincided with Prof. Amanns death. I then put it off for some time.

So this time I had plenty of new data. But also some new insights I wanted like to present.

Here’s a cleaned up version based on comments I got after the presentation.

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Rescuing my PDF presentation on mac

(tldr;) use PDF to Keynote to convert a tex presentation for convenient presenting.

I did have a presentation on my PhDs topic last week. Took me some collecting data from recent paper drafts and old slides to create something polished.

As you would expect I prepared the presentation in beamer latex. I found the metropolis template to my liking.

Great was my shock as the slides would show up blurry in full screen - well for the first second - and then “jump” to nicely rendered. I tried in Preview as well as Skim. They would render nicely but still slow in Acrobat Reader - however I don’t like that one.

On the last day I found my lifesaver: PDF to Keynote. Not only would it transfer my slides into sharp images, I then could also use the fancy Keynote controls and the moderator screen for notes.